
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Gold Rush

1.  The Gold Rush was released in 1925. We discussed in class how Charlie Chaplin uses comedy to make a point come across in his actions. Throughout the film Chaplin was portrayed as his well known character, The Tramp who eventually in the end got everything he deserved. Also we discussed how films have a circular structure, which was developed in this film where the story started and ended in the same place. This was then used in other films today. Charlie was a big involvement in this entire film.  He is considered an auteur director because of his multiple contributions to making this film possible.

2.  "Filming the Gold Rush"
Chaplin was inspired by the 1896 Gold Rush and decided that he wanted to turn that historic event into a comedic film, starting him as a prospector who runs into these crazy events. It took Chaplin 600 extras to film the scene that inspired this event which was when the miners were climbing a dangerous hill. This film took almost a year and a half to make. Charlie demanded on having a lot of special effects, like for example the most suspenseful scene when their cabin in hanging off the edge of a cliff, where in that case made a small replica and made it show what was actually happening during the scene.  The scene when Chaplin danced with the rolls on New Years was already done in a film before his, but the way he mastered that talent made audience rave about it for months, and even made the film maker go back to that scene for an encore performance. This was one of the most know, and well accomplished films done in Chaplin's era. He will be forever known as the Tramp.

3. After reading this article, I could only feel the utmost appreciation for Chaplin. He has not only paved the way for the film industry during the 1920's, but brought different effects, emotions, and topics to film that were unheard of during this time period which makes him as recognized as he is today. I believe that without his contribution to film, the industry would be not nearly as far advanced as it is now. This article showed me that one person can be so dedicated to their passion and make an impact on the entire world for years to come.

4. After watching this film a second time, (watched previously in high school!) I can understand that this film showed how advanced they can be during this decade. I personally enjoyed the film a lot better the second time than the first. I can appreciate all that Chaplin has done for film and the industry on a greater level rather when I was younger.  His contributions have really made an impact on everyones lives if you truly think about it. Without his accreditation we would have made not nearly as fast of advancement in film as we would have today. His character as the tramp has showed that the little man can still have an outstanding life, even though he was put in terrible situations. The Gold Rush has been one of his best films, and after watching this again, I can understand why it was. It had every quality that a good movie should have today and has set the standards for filmmakers during that era.